Saturday, January 31, 2015

Healthy Raw Pet Food Should Mixture Of Protein, Vitamins And Minerals

Just like us pet also need a balance diet food to stay healthy. Their diet should also contain all six main nutrients, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. As an owner of a pet it’s your responsibility to give them ideal diet healthy pet food for the development of their good health. There is lots of packed food available for your pet in the market. So you have to select the food you like to serve your pet for good health.
As already mention pet food should contain all six major nutrients.
Proteins: it helps in strengthening tissues and formation of nails, organs, skin, hair, muscles and blood.

Carbohydrate: it helps to provide energy to body tissues, and transfer vitamins to moisturize the skin and fur.
Vitamins: help in proper maintenance of metabolic system
Minerals: help in development of skin and hair
And if you feed cats or dogs you have to offer diet based on healthy pet food. The most important and primary food is raw meat which helps them to stay physically fit and help in providing various amino acid and various vitamins and enzymes in their body. And fat is also important for their body lack of fat lead to diseases related to skin. Ideally diet for any pet dog and cat is combination of vegetables and raw meat. And there body is not accommodating to take processed food or cooked food. So don’t ever try to give cook food for your dog. Dog food should content 30% of raw fat.
For the good health of your dog you should right diet according to their age, weight and sex and level of their activeness. For example puppies should be fed the amount of healthy pet food that they can consume it within 10 to 15 minutes. Puppies between 5 to 12 month should be fed three times a day and those above 12 weeks should be fed two times a day. And give food in stainless steel bowl only as food given in plastic bowl can contain bacteria in it. And always feed your pet with premium and health food.